

A little bit about me.

So I wrote my little bit piece on the Cottage Laws here in Texas and I am overwhelmed by the amount of people that have checked out my blog, responded on facebook, or even responded in the non-internet based world. I hope I can be a source on information and help in getting the word out and I hope those of you who have looked at my blog will continue to find interest in my musings, photos, and adventures in food.

I thought I could start our new relationship by sharing a little bit about me by admitting one of my biggest personal struggles. An addiction that I've been fighting for what seems like years now. I've tried giving it up and have always gone back to it- for comfort, relaxation, and relief.

Yes I'm talking about... Diet Coke.

A friend of mine posted this article recently on facebook and I just wanted to share so you too can know that it's not you. It's an addiction. Maybe this will help us all fight it and start a beautiful world of sparkling water, natural juices, and herbal tea:

To get to know a little bit more about me not having to do with my Diet Coke addiction, my adventures in Texas all started here:

Why I Write a Food Blog

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